You have already published your packages, but there have been changes. Distributing addendum changes is a part of the job, and we understand it’s a necessity.  


Although you are capable of making changes at any time it’s important that companies you are working with are notified of the changes as well. 


An addendum allows you to update details about packages that have already been sent out. As you may already know, draft packages are freely editable at any time, as they have not been sent to anyone yet. It is a different story when a package has been sent, as the information within them is available for subcontractors/suppliers to see. To make sure you’re on the same page as your subcontractors/suppliers in your packages, you must make sure that the information shown is the same for them. 


How will I know if an addendum has been triggered? 

  • -If you have triggered an addendum in anyway it will show a red flag icon next to the document or package which you’ve edited. A banner will also show up at the top of the view which will redirect you to the place where you can issue an addendum.


You can issue an addendum for a single package or for multiple packages at a time. 


Let’s take a look at exactly what triggers an addendum: 


1.Editing, revising or changing the title of a document 

-If you change the title of a document, upload a newer version on top of it or revise it, a red flag will appear next to that document.


2. Deleting a document 

-If you delete a document that has been allocated to a published package it will trigger an addendum.


3.Allocating or deallocating documents 

-If you allocate or deallocate documents from/to a published package you will trigger an addendum. 


4. Revise the closing date of a package 

-If you wish to change the closing date of a package, you must issue an addendum.


5. Update package lead 

-If you want to change a package lead you must issue an addendum. 


6. Update package description 

-If you want to change the package description you need to issue an addendum. 


There are specific situations that do not trigger an addendum, however, for the subcontractor/supplier to see these changes, an addendum must be issued: 


1. Renaming a folder 

  • Does not trigger an addendum, however for the subcontractor to see it, you must issue an addendum.


2. Moving documents between folders 

  • Does not trigger an addendum, however for the subcontractor to see it, you must issue an addendum. 

Here is a preview of an addendum email your pricing supply chain will receive once you send an addendum through BidWork:

Next up > Issue an addendum for a single package

Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here

Happy bidding!